Sunday, October 21, 2018

October 2018 - Obsidian Finance Group, LLC v. Crystal Cox - Bloggers have the same Constitutional rights as Journalists Due to 2014 Obsidian v. Cox Free Speech Case in a Ninth Circuit Appeal.

" Federal courts have ruled that bloggers have the same Constitutional rights as Journalists. In 2014 The Ninth Circuit Federal Court ruled in Obsidian Finance Group v. Crystal Cox that even though someone might not write for the “institutional press,” they’re entitled to all the protections the Constitution grants journalists. "

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Investigative Blogger Crystal Cox
Port Townsend Washington

A New Heavyweight Steps in the Ring as Round 2 Begins in Obsidian v. Cox Submitted by Arthur Bright on Mon, 01/09/2012 -

"Given the hoopla it caused a few weeks ago, you may already be aware of the somewhat notorious ruling in the Obsidian Finance Group v. Cox case. That's the case where an Oregon federal judge rejected blogger Crystal Cox's contention that she was a member of the media, thus clearing the way for a $2.5 million verdict against her for defaming the plaintiffs.

The story resulted in much hooting and hollering online, particularly from bloggers outraged that the judge ruled that they were not protected under Oregon's shield law. Though as CMLP guest blogger Eric Robinson pointed out, the shield law issue was a sideshow to a much bigger problem in the ruling: that Judge Marco A. Hernandez had ruled that the Supreme Court's decision in Gertz v. Robert Welch, Inc. does not apply to Cox because she is not "media."

Gertz stands for the proposition that plaintiffs in a defamation case cannot recover any damages without proof that the defendant was at least negligent, and may not recovered presumed damages without proof of the defendant's "actual malice." In Cox, the judge ruled that Gertz only applies to media entities, and – using a rather arbitrary list of what defines the media – determined that Cox was not a member of the protected class. This in spite of several cases (of which the judge took no notice and Cox, acting pro se, did not cite) that state just the opposite.

Well, Cox now has filed a motion for a new trial challenging the court's reasoning on omitting Gertz, and this time she's got some help: Portland lawyer Benjamin Souede and First Amendment scholar Eugene Volokh. Volokh's addition is particularly significant: besides being a First Amendment expert, he's also a serious blogger himself, overseeing and writing for the eponymous Volokh Conspiracy. There aren't too many better lawyers than Volokh to fight this sort of fight, I suspect.

In the motion for a new trial, Volokh and Souede are arguing that precedent clearly establishes that Gertz applies whether or not Cox is a member of the media, thus entitling her to a jury instruction establishing the burdens on the plaintiffs to prove liability and recover damages. Further, they argue, the plaintiffs should be treated as public figures, thus invoking the "actual malice" standard of New York Times v. Sullivan. Finally, they argue that Cox is entitled to a new trial, or at least remittitur, because the evidence provided to the jury did not support an award of $2.5 million in damages. The motion is available on our legal threat database entry on the case.

Of course, this is just the first punch in a new round in Cox; we've got a long way to go before we see a winner. But this'll definitely be one to follow in the coming months, as it looks like some of the judge's dubious rulings might finally get the review that they deserve."

Bloggers have the same Constitutional rights as Journalists Due to 2014 Obsidian v. Cox Free Speech Case in a Ninth Circuit Appeal.

" Federal courts have ruled that bloggers have the same Constitutional rights as Journalists. In 2014 The Ninth Circuit Federal Court ruled in Obsidian Finance Group v. Crystal Cox that even though someone might not write for the “institutional press,” they’re entitled to all the protections the Constitution grants journalists. "

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Investigative Blogger Crystal Cox
Port Townsend Washington

Saturday, October 13, 2018

First Federal Court of Appeals Case that SPECIFICALLY Protects the Rights of ALL Bloggers, Citizen Journalists, and Whistle Blowers. By Reverend Crystal Cox of Port Townsend Washington

USE Your Voice.

Start a Blog, Make Videos.

Report on what is happening in Your Neck of the Woods.

Report on What Happened to You.

You have had EQUAL Rights Legally by a High Court Precedent since January of 2014.

My First Amendment Court Case was the First of it’s kind to get a High Court decision that Gave ALL Bloggers, Citizen Journalist, and Whistle blowers EQUAL rights to that of the highest paid Journalist in the highest of institutional press.

Now Retraction Laws, Shield Laws, and the First Amendment APPLIES to ALL Bloggers, Citizen Journalists and Whistleblowers EQUAL to the highest paid Journalists of the biggest media outlets in the world.

All sides fought me, threatened me, belittled me, defamed me, pressured me to quit, harassed me, gang stalked me, investigators followed me, my emails were hacked and watched daily, and I was under constant threat for years and years to hold onto this Legal Precedent for YOU to Have YOUR Voice.

In my court case, Obsidian v. Cox there was No Criminal Extortion. This was made up by the Opposition to attempt to Stop me from proceeding to the high court. And to attempt to suppress ALL of  your voices as a matter of Law. It was a Set Up by a group of attorneys, judges and big media with varying agendas.

For those who believe there was Extortion in the Crystal Cox Case, ask yourself Why None of these Court Officials, Attorneys, Judges, Cops, FBI Agents, Homeland Security, or any party private or public filed ANY criminal charges in any way so that there could be a True Investigation as to the allegations against me by Big Media. Large Law Firms, Groups of Attorneys and High Court Judges.  This was ALL to Deny the constitutional rights of Citizen Journalists, Investigative Bloggers, and Whistleblowers and to attempt to discredit the true to the best of my knowledge reporting I was doing, in that case, on Portland Oregon Judicial and Bankruptcy Court Corruption.

There was no Lies. All I reported was True to the best of my knowledge and remains to be true though I have removed the blogs per a lower court settlement.  I had got the Precedent that changed the world. I had made it to my Finish Line, my Goal and from there I let go of the battle to bring down Portland Oregon Bankruptcy Corruption.

I exposed Corruption for decades to the absolute best of my ability and with the whole truth and nothing but the truth to the best of my knowledge and ability.  Now it is your turn to TELL YOUR STORY.

Many of the Articles out there about my Case, are Distorted, Jaded, Biased, Hate Filled and Flat Out False. There are some aspects to many of the news articles about my case that I do like, so it’s worth reading through to find the golden nuggets.

The First Amendment court case, Obsidian vs. Cox is cited around the world in courts large and small. This Legal Precedence has changed the world and gave YOU a platform to ROAR, so Do IT. ROAR.

I was Pro Se in the Lower Court. Meaning I represented myself, acting as my own attorney. I did so for one I did not have money for an attorney, and I did so as I knew that an attorney would force me to settle, to bow out and therefore STOP the case moving to the highest court possible and forcing a high court ruling as to what rights bloggers have / had as compared to the rights of the institutional press.

Remember that when one goes to the Ninth Circuit, attorney or not, there is no legal case citing or information allowed that was not stated, named, created in the lower court case. So my attorney could not enter new case law, but could only use what I had already used.  I chose Eugene Volokh deliberately for this task.

“Eugene Volokh, UCLA Law Professor

who represented Crystal Cox pro bono, affirmed:"

“This case is THE FIRST ONE from a federal court of appeals that specifically protects the rights of bloggers."

There are Many Articles and Much Chaos around my Case. What rises to the top and Lights up Undeniably is that ALL Now Have Equal Rights to REPORT the News, and to “Break the News” even if no one else is talking about. You are the News. FIND YOUR VOICE and Tell Your Story.

~ Reverend Crystal Cox

(Investigative Blogger Crystal L. Cox)

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Investigative Blogger Crystal L. Cox Refused Many Settlement Offers, in order to FIGHT for the rights of All Bloggers and Citizen Journalists.

Article Quote:

"Call a lawyer in the unenviable event you’re sued for defamation. Cox represented herself (she was “pro se“), and that’s rarely a good decision when you’re headed for a courtroom. True, if you put in the time and energy, there are many legal matters you can handle on your own. Court probably isn’t one of them. A lawyer would havesteered Cox away from relying on Oregon’s shield and retraction law, for example. She may have even avoided court altogether."

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Investigative Blogger Crystal L. Cox Says: A Lawyer SHOULD not have Steered Cox from Retraction Laws or Shield Laws. I fought for Equal Protection, NOT to avoid court all together, but to Make a Stand and FIGHT for All Victims of Corruption, all Investigative Bloggers and All Citizen Journalists.

The Plaintiff offered me a whole lot of ways to AVOID COURT. Settlement Communications ( Offers to Settle) came in Often. I did not want to Avoid Court, I wanted to Make the World a Better Place and FIGHT for the Greater Good.

Retraction Laws and Shield Laws should not Be AVOIDED by Investigative Bloggers sued by those they are exposing. Retraction Laws and Shield Laws SHOULD apply to Bloggers and they should be claimed in defense, used and Faced Head on.

Equality under the Law for Bloggers and Traditional Journalists is what I fight for.

The ONLY Voice Victims of Corruption have are BLOGS.

I want ALL People to be able to tell their story, expose corruption in their area of locality or expertise ( aKa Whistle Blowers ) and have EQUAL Protection as Big Media, Reporters and Traditional Journalists in a Court of Law. I FIGHT FOR THEM; For Their Right to have a Protected Voice in New Media.